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Beard Transplant in Pakistan

Beard transplantation is a kind of hair transplantation . Its principle is to use microsurgical techniques to remove healthy hair follicle tissue in the posterior occipital region, and then carefully process and cultivate it to artistically transplant it on the patient’s face according to the natural beard growth direction. Beards take on beard characteristics.


Before the beard transplant surgery, the doctor first uses special instruments to measure the density of the hair in the donor area and the state of the hair (hair follicles) in the recipient area, so as to accurately grasp the patient’s beard density and other indicators, so as to determine the number of hair follicles needed for transplantation. Within 3 days after surgery, the wound in the hair removal area will heal completely without leaving any scars.

Call us now to get details of beard transplant cost in Pakistan. We have clinics in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and other cities as well.

We are also providing FUE hair transplant service for head hair.

Beard Transplant in Pakistan